10 Best Investing Books to Read


Most people in the world will agree that they have little to no knowledge about investment. This is true anywhere across the globe. Because not everyone wants to invest money in something like stock. Most of the people want to do a job and save money. Loss in investment is something that most people cannot afford. But it is also true that many people dream of investing money in something to get higher returns. If you are someone who is looking to invest money then there are different sources that can help you. But the best way to gain knowledge about Investment is by reading books. What good if you have $100,00 but don’t know how to invest those $100,000?

Don’t worry these are not like the textbooks you have read in college. These are the books written by prominent businessmen and investors who made it big. Investing books are a great way to get an insight into the minds of some of the best investors out there. The two most important things you need for being a successful investor is intuition and strategy. By reading these investing books you can learn various strategies on investment. If you are someone who wants to invest but do not do it as you feel you are not good enough then think twice. You can just grab a book on investment and educate yourself about investing. If you are already into investing then these books will increase your knowledge as they are written by financial experts who are better than you in this field. 

Let’s take a look at some of the best investing books out there.

The Essays of Warren Buffett

When you are talking about making profits through investment then the first person that comes to your mind is Warren Buffett. If you are an investor and you don’t know who Warren Buffett then you are living under a rock. For those who don’t know Warren Buffett is probably the most successful investor in the world. Who can offer you better advice on investment than the most successful investor ever? The author of this book is Lawrence  A. Cunningham.  This book is about the expertise of Warren Buffett as a business leader and investor. It is a great book if you are someone who is new to investment and don’t know much. The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America is a must-read if you want to invest in the stock market.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

This is probably the most popular book that people know when it comes to investing. You might have heard about this at some point in your life. This book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is a classic even today after 20 years of its release. Robert Kiyosaki is the author of this book. In this book, he shares his story. The story is about his rich dad who is his best friend’s father and poor dad his own father. 

The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need

Just by the name, you might have understood what the book is talking about. This is another classic investing book that was published 40 years ago. But do not worry this book doesn’t offer you advice worked in the 70s. To keep up with the current economic conditions and trends this book was updated in 2016. Written by Andrew Tobias The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need offers tips and guidance for people who have less money to invest. 

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing

The person who has created the first-ever index fund definitely knows about investment. John C. Bogle is the author of The Little Book of Common Sense Investing. He is also the co-founder of Vanguard Inc. if you don’t know Vanguard Inc holds a large number of shares in companies like Facebook and Apple. This book even got the endorsement of Warren Buffett. Warren Buffett stated that large and small investors must read this book. In this Bogle explains how he turned the odds in his favor.

A Random Walk Down Wall Street

A Random Walk Down Wall Street is written by Burton Gordon Malkiel. He is a famous American writer and economist. In this book he tries to explain how investing is not about working for long hours or having an extensive portfolio. The author wants you to learn to talk or at least listening to what is being said. This book tells you to focus on long term investment. It has sold more than 1.5 million copies since its release.

Principles: Life and Work

The author of this book Ray Dalio was named as one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world. Principles: Life and Work has been no.1 New York Times bestseller. The thing that makes this book so incredible is the author himself. Ray was a middle-class guy who grew up on Long Island. He started his investment firm in his apartment in New York. In this book, Ray explains how his secrets and rules can be adopted by businesses.

One Up on Wall Street

One Up on Wall Street: How to Use What You Already Know to Make Money in the Market was written by Peter Lynch. In this book, Peter Lynch explains how people already have what they need to become a successful investor. The author says that new investors can be as good as the professionals who have been in this business for years. Since its release in 2000, this has sold more than a million copies. 

Security Analysis

Security Analysis is a book that was published in 1934. The incredible thing about this book is the lessons from it are still very relevant. This book which is now in its sixth edition was written by David L. Dodd and Benjamin Graham. The foreword for this book is written by Warren Buffett in which he states that he follows the rules stated in this book still today. This book comprises over 200 pages of commentary from current leaders in Wall Street.

You Can Be a Stock Market Genius

The title is self-explanatory. Though you may not become an actual genius in the stock market this book is very good nonetheless.  This book was written by the author Joel Greenblatt who is known for his book The Little Book That Beats the Market which was the New York Times bestseller. But it is this book that new investors should read if they want to understand complex situations in the stock market. This provides unique strategies and ideas for newbie investors. You can buy You Can Be a Stock Market Genius on Amazon.

The Intelligent Investor

This book was written by the author Benjamin Graham where he further explains the concept of ” “value investing”. It will help you in avoiding mistakes in investment. The Intelligent Investor is a must-read for all the investors as it takes a practical approach to investments. Not only investment this book gives you valuable information assets, policy, dividends, and diversification. This book is the best book ever written on investment according to Warren Buffett.


If you want to make money by investing in the stock market or other things don’t let your fear stop you. There are plenty of great books on investing that can educate you about the strategies in investment. The most important thing is you don’t need a lot of money to be an investor these days. There are many ways in which you can invest $100. So read some of the best investing books mentioned in this article and start your career as an investor.


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