How it works

Start a Moz Pro free trial to access Rank Checker and other SEO tools.
Start a Moz Pro free trial to access Rank Checker and other SEO tools.
Enter a keyword, URL, search engine, and country into Rank Checker.
Enter a keyword, URL, search engine, and country into Rank Checker.
Receive a comprehensive rank check, keyword metrics, and more!
Receive a comprehensive rank check, keyword metrics, and more!

Do better research in less time. Quickly check the ranking performance of any site.

Generate instant rankings reports
Generate instant rankings reports

Identify your site's performance for your target keywords in seconds.

Perform competitive research
Perform competitive research

See how your competitors are ranking for your most important keywords.

Spot-check prospective keywords
Spot-check prospective keywords

Discover rankings for potential keywords you might want to track, without having to commit.

Check the major search engines
Check the major search engines

Choose from Google, Google Mobile, Bing, and Yahoo to receive the ranking data you're most interested in.

Analyze keywords by search volume
Analyze keywords by search volume

Effectively predict how much search volume a keyword will receive with more than 95% accuracy.

Identify keyword difficulty
Identify keyword difficulty

Moz’s proprietary Keyword Difficulty score shows how easy (or hard) it is to rank on each SERP.

View your progress
View your progress

Each time you spot-check your keyword and URL, your ranking will be added to a Ranking History graph.

Sort by predictive keyword metrics
Sort by predictive keyword metrics

Keyword Difficulty and Search Volume can predict your ability to rank and help you prioritize your next steps.

Start tracking keywords long-term
Start tracking keywords long-term

After checking keywords in Rank Checker, send the most important ones over to a Moz Pro Campaign for long-term rank tracking.

Part of the most trusted SEO analytics platform

Propel your search strategy with competitive intelligence, ROI-improving insights, and a complete view of your search performance.